Success is about so much more than money

Redefining Success Workshop

a radical recalibration of what you really want in your business

December 13, 2024

8am - 12pm PT / 11am - 3pm ET


Why do you need to redefine your success?

You've been taught that the most important indicator of business success is money. Revenue. The bottom line.

It's modeled in the business world that how much money you make is how success is defined.

You've been taught to set money goals and that you need to reach a certain amount per month or year to have a successful business.

You see it all over social media. Other business owners talking about how much money they are making.

It's even used to describe the level of business you have achieved. Statements like "I'm a XX-figure business owner" or "I've made XX-figures" or "I've reached XX-figure months" are common in most circles.

And yet, none of this really tells me anything about how happy you are in your business, or your life for that matter.

Because knowing the amount of money you think you should be making isn't serving you or your business.

Money is simply ONE indicator of success.

There's SO many other ways you can be measuring your success. You get to decide. Your business is about so much more than money.

I'm gonna make an assumption here and say that I'm betting you didn't start your business for the money.

You started your business because you desired freedom.

You started your business because you wanted to make an impact.

You started your business because you wanted more time with your family.

You started your business because you want to travel more.

You started your business because you no longer wanted to be locked into someone else's schedule. 

Success gets defined by what you really want in your business.

Yet, you've been stuck spinning your wheels and feeling like a failure because of the number in your bank account. Because you know that a business does need money. And so do you and your personal bank account.

But it was never really about the money. Not really. It's always been about so much more than money.

It's time to stop defining your success by the amount of money you are making and start looking at what you really want.

It's time to get really REAL about what's important to you and define your success from that place.

Your success is defined from what you want, what you desire, and what makes you feel joyful.

This is the true definition of a Freedom-based business = radically recalibrating your success indicators to measure what's important to YOU!

Rebels define their own SUCCESS!

Have you ever really allowed yourself to define what you really want in your business?

Have you ever really allowed yourself to dream about what what freedom looks like for YOU?

Probably not...I know I hadn't until I realized how trapped I felt in my business.

I woke up one day and realized that I dreaded walking down the hall to my office.

I had just had my first 6-figure year and I absolutely hated my business. 

I was overwhelmed, over worked, and miserable but I was successful, right?!

Not by a long shot! Cause if this is what success was supposed to look like, then I didn't want it!

My inner Rebel decided that it was time to do business MY way. She knew there had to be a better way to do this.

From that energy, Redefining Success was born.

During this immersive event, we will go on a journey of discovering what you really want in your business.

This will be a completely new way of looking at how you set goals, make decisions, and create success.  

This is for you if....

šŸ‘‹ you are done with feeling like money is the only success indicator

šŸ‘‹ you desire a business that feels joyful and lights you up

šŸ‘‹ you creates plans that look pretty on paper yet you never look at them again after it's done

šŸ‘‹ you are ready to experience the freedom that comes from knowing what you really want

šŸ‘‹ you wait until the last minute to do things in your business because its restrictive to plan too far into the future

šŸ‘‹ you know you need more structure AND you aren't really sure how to create that structure in away that works for you

šŸ‘‹ you are ready to only say yes to the things that light you up

šŸ‘‹ you are rebel enough to make more money while you do shit your way šŸ¤‘ cause we do need money

Heres the DETAILS šŸ”„

Redefining Success Workshop

Practical Stuff:

Dates: October 30, 2024

Times: 8am - 12pm PT / 11am - 3pm ET

Price: $111

Rebel Stuff:

Radically recalibrate what you really want in your business

Learning my unique Unplanning Process to design what you desire to experience in your business

Come together with other business owners to redefine what success looks like for YOU

Bonus Stuff:

Attend LIVE to get a FREE 30 minute Strategy Call with Amber

About Amber

Hi šŸ‘‹ Iā€™m Amber. Iā€™m a Business Relationship Strategist.

I believe that sometimes rebelling is the most practical thing you can do for your life and your business. I work with leaders who desire to do things differently. Together we will recalibrate your definition of success to create a business that aligns systems with humans. My mission is to transform the old boring "business standards" into "human-first approaches". This allows us to create safer team relationships and allow people to show up as their whole, unique selves inside our businesses.

Iā€™m proud to hold certifications in both trauma-informed practices and Sourced leadership. Iā€™m also certified in many levels of business operations and have business psychology degrees. This really means that I am skilled in the practical and people sides of business. I make a natural bridge to help translate between people and process. Spoiler: we need both people and process to make a business work well and grow.
