Human Design Mini-Courses

Discover Your Unique Energetic Blueprint

Every human has a unique design

We each have a unique way of operating within this world. We have an energetic blueprint that helps us connect and interact with the beings around us.

This design serves to guide us on how we are meant to show up in this world. It holds information on how we are uniquely built. It holds information on how to love ourselves and others. It holds our deepest desires and our greatest challenges.

Your human design is like a roadmap to your soul's mission in this life. Once you learn to harness the information, you will have your personalized path to making aligned decisions. 

Your human design is the decoder ring that will unlock your unique purpose.

You are here to be YOU and that's by design.

Ready to discover what makes you amazing?

What's in the Mini-Courses 

Mini-Course #1: HD Foundations - A deep dive into the 5 Human Design Types and their unique Strategies and Authorities. 

💜 Discover the unique characteristics of each HD Type, understand the specific Strategy for each Type, and how individual Authorities influence each Type

💜 Understand how each unique combination of Type, Strategy, and Authority makes aligned decisions

Mini-Course #2: HD Profiles - A deep dive into the 6 Profile lines and the 12 Human Design Profiles

💜 Explore the unique characteristics of each profile line 

💜 Understand how they operate and work together to influence your energy 

Mini-Course #3: HD Energy Centers - A deep dive into the 9 Human Design Energy Centers and how energetic definition affects your personal blueprint

💜 Discover the nuance of energetic definition in each center 

💜 Understand the role your unique center definition plays in how your energy operates

Human Design in a Nutshell

Human Design is a system for understanding your soul's purpose on this earth and your life's mission for how that purpose will be manifested. In 1987, Ra Uru Hu received a transmission of information from "a Voice" - he described as an intelligence - and then he wrote the Rave I'Ching. The Human Design System combines properties from astrology, Vedic philosophy, Chakras, the Kabbalah, and I'Ching.

It combines ancient philosophies and modern sciences to create spiritual technique to help humans understand their own energy and how to make aligned decisions. It's like a personality test married astrology and chakra energy into a glorious polyamorous relationship that makes so much sense that once you see it you will never be able to un-see it. Yes, I said what I said 😘

Program Details

Practical Stuff:

There are 3 Mini-Courses. HD Foundations, HD Profiles & HD Energy Centers are OnDemand and you will get access right away. 

Price: $77 each course individually 

$222 - Full Bundle (Foundations, Profiles, and Energy Centers)

Rebel Stuff:

Personalized Quantum Human Design Report 

Bonus Stuff:

Add on personal Discover Your Design Reading for 50% off


What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system for understanding your soul's purpose on this earth and your life's mission for how that purpose will be manifested. In 1987, Ra Uru Hu received a transmission of information from "a Voice" - he described as an intelligence - and then he wrote the Rave I'Ching. The Human Design System combines properties from astrology, Vedic philosophy, Chakras, the Kabbalah, and I'Ching.

It combines ancient philosophies and modern sciences to create spiritual technique to help humans understand their own energy and how to make aligned decisions. It's like a personality test married astrology and chakra energy into a glorious polyamorous relationship that makes so much sense that once you see it you will never be able to un-see it. Yes, I said what I said 😘

What comes in the personalized Human Design Report?

You will get a PDF copy of your Quantum Human Design Report including the expanded explanations of your unique Bodygraph chart.           

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