Unplan Your Business Retreat
June 20 -22, 2023
3-day Virtual Retreat for Business Owners
to Re-calibrate Your Definition of Success
You love your business but....
something still feels off. Nothing feels easy.
The average human being is blessed with roughly 28,835 days on this Earth. That’s an average of 79 trips around the sun, and too many of us live on borrowed time spent too freely. I can attest to this!
I always felt like a square peg in a round hole.
For too many years I worked to fit a round peg into a square hole, forcing myself into the drudgery of corporate jobs and then creating a business that made sense to my head but not aligned with my heart. I would cycle through phases of creating lots of rules for myself (and others), then the pendulum would swing and I would blow up all the rules and start over.
I created a business that made sense in my head but not in my heart.
I completely ignored my inner-knowing and deferred to other experts in order to make decisions. I voraciously invested in programs and certifications. Always looking for the answer to what I needed to do in order to build a successful business. You see, I wanted someone else to tell me what to do and how to become successful. But nothing I did seemed to work. I mean, I was making money. I had actually replaced my corporate income but was somehow still pretty miserable.
Why does it feel like nothing is working?!
What you want probably looks like this:
You wake up everyday refreshed and energized. You have the freedom to create your own schedule. You choose when and how you work so that it's aligned with your unique energy needs and cycles. You are spending your time doing the things you love in your business and delegating the rest. You have a team that is doing what they love.
I hear you!
Your business feels easy. You have clarity on what needs to happen next. You take aligned action to grow your business. Your systems and processes feel effortless. It's magical the way that it all works together and flows seamlessly.
I feel you!
All the humans in your spaces (spaces = clients, team, friends, family) are thriving because you are showing up as your whole self. You feel fully supported and look forward to working both in and ON your business.
I see you!
If you can relate, if you love your business but something intangible is still missing, if everything feels like an uphill battle, I want you to know that you’re not alone in this struggle. Maybe you feel hopeless. Perhaps you feel like giving up, throwing in the towel, and slinking back to corporate. I see you. I feel you. I was you! And I’m here to tell you, to show you that there’s a better way. There’s hope on the horizon!
Hell, I was you!
You, dear business badass, deserve the juicy life you crave with a business that is fully aligned with your desires, goals, vision and vibration. So, if you have embraced ALL of the wisdom spouted by business gurus and are still getting nowhere, if you long for freedom and desire to have your business be simple and successful, I can help.
Guess what?! You get to create a business you love!
Join me for the Unplanning Your Business Retreat
June 20 - 22, 2023
- A business that feels easy, lights you up and makes you wake up everyday refreshed and energized
- Embracing the freedom to create your own schedule
- Choosing when and how you work so that it's aligned with your unique energy needs and cycles
- Spending time doing the things you love in your business and delegate the rest
- Clarity around your vision and goals
- Growing your business from a heart-centered space
- Processes that feel magical and effortless
OK AMBER...what's the cost?!
You've got Q's - We've got A's
- Jun 20 / 21 /22 = 3 days
- Morning Session = 10 am - 1pm ET
- Afternoon Session = 2pm - 5pm ET
Q: Will there be breaks?
- We will take breaks as needed but at least every 90 mins or so. We will flow with the needs of the group
- There will also be an hour break for lunch around 1pm ET
Q: Is this event virtual?
- Yes, the sessions are held via Zoom
Q: Is this event live?
- Yes, it is a live event for about 6 hours each of the 3 days
Q: What if I can't be there all 3 days?
- you will get the most of the event if you are able to come live AND there will absolutely be replays
- You will have access you an event portal with all replays
Hi! I'm Amber Dancy, the Founder of the Practical Rebel Collective. I believe that sometimes rebelling is the most practical thing you can do for your life and your business. I work with leaders who desire to do things differently. Together we recalibrate your definition of success to create a business that aligns systems with humans. Our mission at the Collective is to transform the old boring "business standards" into "human-first approaches". This allows us to create safer team relationships and allow people to show up as their whole, unique selves inside our businesses.